Local Attractions

Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
Where the red dunes and scrub fade into infinity and herds of gemsbok, springbok, eland and blue wildebeest follow the seasons, where imposing camel thorn trees provide shade for huge black-mane lions and vantage points for leopard and many raptors… this is the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.
Namaqualand Flower Route
What at first glance appears to be a wilderness of semi-desert - arid, dusty plains that stretch before one, dramatic mountains in the background, with little by way of colour or animation - is suddenly transformed, as if by a painter with a manic palette, into a pageant of flowers.

Richtersveld Route
The Richtersveld is a mountainous desert situated in the north-west corner of South Africa. It has the highest diversity of succulent plants in the world (4 849 species, of which 1 940 are endemic), as well as eerie coastal mists, alluvial diamonds and truly indigenous cultures.
Augrabies Falls National Park
In close proximity to Upington, Augrabies Falls National Park is situated on the banks of the mighty Orange River. The Khoi people called it “Aukoerebis”, or “place of great noise, as the powerful flow of water is unleashed from its rocky surroundings.

The Big Hole Kimberley
150 years ago, the site of the Big Hole was a featureless, flat-topped hill. When word spread that diamonds had been discovered, thousands of prospectors, armed with nothing more than picks, shovels and hope, descended on Kimberley and created the largest hand-dug excavation in the world.
The Riemvasmaak hot springs are located in Riemvasmaak, Northern Cape, South Africa. The hot springs are one of the must-visit hot springs in South Africa. The setting is peaceful and secluded, with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.

Namaqua National Park
Escape to the land of contrasts, where the rigorous climate has created a myriad of life forms superbly adapted to their specific habitat. Fields of flowers, star studded nights, quiver trees, enormous granite outcrops and the icy Atlantic are but a few wonders that await the visitor.
Goegab Nature Reserve
Goegap Nature Reserve is located 15km south east from the town Springbok, Namaqualand, in the Northern Cape Province. It falls within the Succulent-Karoo Biome which consists mainly of a coastal belt of approximately 100km to 150km wide.

Tankwa Karoo National Park
As luminous clouds of dust swirl through the ancient landscape, a tortoise patiently wanders in search of succulent morsels; a lizard basks in the sun while gemsbok and red hartebeest share the arid plains with mongoose, orb-web spiders, skinks and leggy toktokkies.
Mokala National Park
“Where Endangered Species Roam”…Mokala is SANParks’ newest park. It is situated approximately 70km south-southwest of Kimberley, and west of the N12 freeway to Cape Town. Nestled in the hills, Mokala’s landscape boasts a variety of koppieveld (hills) and large open plains.